Fundraising Compliance with Mystery Shopper

Fundraising Compliance With Industry Standards

Want to ensure your fundraisers are being compliant with industry standards? Mystery Shopping is the solution.

Whether it’s Private Site fundraising, Street fundraising, or Door to Door fundraising, we understand the importance of complying to industry standards.

As you know, your fundraisers are at the forefront, representing your cause. We work with many of the UK’s top charities & industry regulators, helping to ensure that their fundraisers are compliant, whilst also providing a great customer experience.

When fundraisers know their conduct is going to be checked, you will immediately see a rise in performance, and by running a regular programme, you’ll ensure that continuous improvement takes place.

We can carry out vulnerability testing, so you can be absolutely sure that your training for these circumstances has been effective.

Mystery shop independently from your regulator, to get ahead of any training requirement and avoid getting fined.

Achieve Customer Experience Excellence.

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